Last year, legendary guitarist Takafumi Matsubara returned to the grindcore fold after making an astounding recovery from an illness that threatened to remove music from his life forever. Since then, he’s helped form Retortion Terror, as we reported last year when they did a split with Invidiosus.
In 2018, Retortion Terror is planning to release another split, this time with Horsebastard, the one and only masters of equestrian blastcore! As part of that split, they’ve recorded “I Wanna Live,” featuring Kiyo from the brutal Japanese band World End Man using his ferocious vocal delivery to add to the spiraling chaos enveloping the rest of the track. But as Gridlink fans will remember, Taka’s guitar playing goes beyond Scum-worship and throws many unexpected notes at the listener, making the music much more memorable than the average contemporary grindcore album.
They’ve also made a video, working with David Hall (Uneasy Sleeper) to give the song a visual aid of life’s many monotonous features, all spun together like a nightmare (well, except for the cat, nothing wrong with that part of it). Check it out: