Greek label Celtic Fog Productions is dedicated to the extreme metal underground, particularly at home (Alexandria). Their biography reads, “Celtic Fog Productions is an independent black & death metal label. Our first care is the promotion of the bands of the Northern Hellenic Marsh.”
Celtic Fog stay true to their mission statement: as you comb through their Bandcamp releases, there is nothing but vicious black and death metal. Keep reading to become familiar with a few of their more recent albums.
Find Celtic Fog Productions on Facebook, Bandcamp and their website.
For black metal releases, Celtic Fog has no shortage. Ancient Witchcraft by Enthroned Serpent is their most recent release, blending fast-tempo with throat shredding vocals and melodic guitars with ripping guitar solos and quiet interludes.
Flesh Martyr’s Echoes of a Distant Weeping is closer to second wave black metal, led by buzzsaw guitars, primitive vocals and raw production.
Released in January, Afterblood’s Blood Art Triptych is groovy and technical death metal that also includes dizzying solos and plenty of mosh-worthy parts.
These releases only scratch the surface of Celtic Fog Productions. Fans of black and death metal could (and should) spend plenty of hours exploring the label.