So like, there are times when not much is going on, and I know, I sound like a broken Hatebeak record, but this isn’t one of them. There’s some cool stuff coming out this go round, so like, you know, read on.
Mutoid Man, brainchild of Stephen Brodsky of Cave In and Converge fame, is releasing their 3rd full length War Moans on Sargent House. What is there to say about MM, I know, I know, that’s why you’re reading this, huh? Anyway, this is not reminiscent of any of Brodsky’s former bands, this 3 piece is more akin to, like, heavy rock. This is pretty cool, I mean it’s nothing crazy, but this is a solid rock record that is poppy at times, and heavy too. The production is just dirty enough to like kick some major tail feathers, but is crisp and clear enough to really lend to the songwriting. This is kind of like Torche without sounding AT ALL like them, the relation is more on the heavy rock tip. This probably isn’t for the post hardcore fans, but I’ve gotta call this what it is… A kick ass heavy rock record. 7 Fucking Pecks.
Grindcore stalwarts Phobia are back at it… Man, these dudes (and girl at times) have a pretty extensive back catalog. Lifeless God is like their umpteenth release (if you count split 7”s and EPs). This is a 20 track jam that is punk as peck, and like grind, I mean, it’s beaking Phobia, what do you expect? This is more of a grind record than some of the previous releases, although the punk aspect really does shine through. The first thing this birdbrain noticed (aside from the awesome cover), is the presence of riffs, and like parts that move and shift. This isn’t your typical blurcore grind that seems to be prevalent these days. Gods of grind return… In Grind We Trust? Peck yes we do! 8 Fucking Pecks.
So, I’m a HUGE HP Lovecraft fan, so why would I NOT review a band called Unausspechlichen Kulten? It is a Lovecraft reference so… So this Chilean band is putting out their 4th in 20 years, entitled Keziah Lilith Medea, so bonus points on anyone that can say the band name and the album title 4 times fast. I fully expected this to be some like sorrowful black metal, but it’s not. This is brutal ass death metal and is squawking cool! Much like Lovecraft’s works, this is tech, but like has that weird Morbid Angel quality where the music makes you dream of cyclopean landscapes on another planet. Very cool, worthy of the name. 7 Fucking Pecks.
Alright fools, check you after deathfest.