There are a lot of standard words used in metal band names these days: black, death, brutal, dark, and so on. Others try to be as wacky, “random” or extravagant as possible in an effort to grab the attention of readers (or people who write for metal websites). Having covered metal for awhile now, I’ve grown numb to a lot of this. So imagine my surprise when these guys wound up in my inbox: Tyrannosorceress.
I wish I’d made that up.
Combining the most legendary dinosaur of all time with a magical theme: genius. I also like the name reminds me of Norma Jean’s second record, Oh, God the Aftermath, which featured similar combinations (“Bayonetwork,” “Charactarantula” to name a couple). And they’re a black metal band…so, that helps!
The band plays a thoroughly modern, flowing black metal sound that is both consistent yet unafraid to explore. They sound a bit like a cleaned-up version of Behexen’s last album, mixed with some of the atmospheric sounds of Winterfylleth and similar acts. Nightbringer comes to mind as a peer as well. Check out the trailer for their upcoming debut album, Shattering Light’s Creation, out on June 23rd via Tofu Carnage (…dude, that label name is pretty sweet too).