Rot Hard: Scorched drop exclusive track “Rot in Confinement”

Here at, we love Scorched. Last year, Chris D. warned us about a killer demo by these “upstart death metallers;” then, earlier this year, Shane Mehling hipped us to the quintet’s contribution to a 4-way split with Gatecreeper, Outer Heaven, and Homewrecker (featuring Scorched’s drummer, Matt Izzi, also on drums). The reason we’ve backed Scorched so hard is because no other band in the US death metal underground handles their trade with the same muscular mastery, nor the sadistic showmanship as these Diamond State graveheads.

So get ready to sobbingly hit repeat, again and again, because we’ve got an exclusive sneak peek at Scorched’s debut full length, Echoes of Dismemberment. With “Rot in Confinement,” the album’s seventh track, you’ll journey through careening spiked pendulums and sudden showers of hot coals. The riffs are flat out belligerent. Solos like maniacal laughter erupt, almost incessantly. All while vocalist Matt Kapa lets you hear what the bottom of his lungs and guts sound like, and drummer Matt Izzi’s in the pocket like you just got corpsed and you’re possibly holding something. Honestly, I’m glad it wasn’t me who had to pick just one track to premiere from Echoes of Dismemberment today.

Here’s what Scorched’s vocalist Matt Kapa’s got to say about “Rot in Confinement,” and how it flows with the rest of Echoes of Dismemberment. Stream “Rot in Confinement” below.

Most of the songs on the album are from the point of view of the killer, but ‘Rot in Confinement’ is the one song that gives voice to the victim. This piece is about being trapped and the agony of not knowing what exactly is happening next, but almost certain that you will die within the four walls that surround you.

“We definitely tried to push our creative boundaries on this album, as we do with each release. On each track we did at least one thing we hadn’t done before, some more subtle and others can be picked up first listen-through. This track we definitely focused more on groove and heavy riffing, but of course couldn’t leave out some speed!

Get Echoes of Dismemberment on November 25th, 2016. Out on Unspeakable Axe Records.