Lest the lede get buried under ponderous rhetoric, here’s a new song by Portuguese black metal loner, Candelabrum, off their forthcoming debut LP Necrotelepathy, out this July via Altare Prod. et al. Besides having the best band name in recent years, Candelabrum have three demos, all of which were released last year, all of which are so rare as to be all but intangible. Just a cowled presence in a doctored black-and-white JPEG and a quote, delivered by D. of Altare: that’s all we’ve got for you on the entity behind Candelabrum. Besides this exclusive premiere of a new seventeen plus minute long song, that is. Even if you’re already familiar with this new cloistered specter from the Portuguese underground, Nekrotelepathy represents a slight, albeit natural and logical shift from their past works. Essentially, they’ve gotten better at sounding like the shade of an 18th century composer that’s been haunting the Black Circle Propaganda scene and has recently, only in the past year or so, gained strength enough to poltergeist all the instruments at once.
Says the entity behind Candelabrum:
“Candelabrum music deals with the world of the dead, a dimension out of most people’s eyes but present in the life of many. The vastness and the utter darkness of such dimension is so incredibly violent that any kind of representation through my music is just a pale dream in comparison.”
The way it gets all humble at the end . . . that’s a little unnerving. Not simply because black metal artist statements are usually full of more braggadocio than your average rap song, but because of what the wraith behind Candelabrum’s saying: “The vastness and the utter darkness of such dimension is so incredibly violent that any kind of representation through my music is just a pale dream in comparison.”
Necrotelepathy will be released vinyl & CD release by Altare Prod. in July. While Nebular Carcoma will handle the tape version. Here’s hoping there’s enough to go around.