Welcome to Demo:listen, your weekly peek into the future of underground metal. Whether it’s death, grind, black, doom, sludge, heavy, progressive, stoner, retro, post-, etc. we’re here to bring you the latest demos from the newest bands. On this week’s Demo:listen, we roll up our sleeves and get right down to it with Athens’ Pile Of Excrements.
Pile Of Excrements
Did you know Mozart was a shit-obsessed perv? For real. Read his letters. Specifically his love letters to his 19 year old cousin. “ . . . I shit on your nose, so it runs down your chin,” he wrote at one point, for whatever reason, just having a little shitfun, I suppose. Ol’ Amadeus even composed a few scatological songs. But, honestly, they’re pretty boring. At least they’ve got nothing on this new demo by Greece’s Pile Of Excrements.
After first hearing POE, I immediately reached out to the band. And that’s how I met George K. AKA Necropervert. Says Necropervert: “Little old ladies call me Necropervert for some reason and I do the vocals, play the guitars and the bass, and I love to fart in crowded places where the exit is hard to reach.” Necropervert also relates how he and drummer “Shit Eater” used to play in the death/thrash band Chainsaw. But then Shit Eater (who also plays drums for Demo:listen alumni, Iniquity) proposed “the idea of a project that would consist of old school rotten death metal[,] the kind that most bands avoid today,” according to Necropervert. But if they were trying to be repellant, they’ve totally failed because Pile Of Excrements’ demo, regardless of how squeamish you are in the face of toilet humor, simply rules.
The lead guitar parts were laid down by Necropervert’s and Shit Eater’s close friend, Pungent Hemorrhoid. And while Pile have yet to play a show, they hope to get on that very soon. “We are all too busy with our daily jobs and our other bands but I’m sure that we’ll find the time at some point to give this bastard newborn the proper attention and do some gigs,” Necropervert says. They’ve also got a full length in the works, and hope to have finished recording it by November. “We want to print our very own toilet paper,” Necropervert says. “Apart from that Pile Of Excrements is a good name for diapers. As for t-shirts? We would love to print disposable shirts, so our fans can wipe their ass with it and then recycle it. The environment is an issue we all should care about.”
According to their Bandcamp, Pile Of Excrements’ demo tapes are sold out. But the four songs that comprise it are available for “name your price” download. But if you’re a tape hoarder like myself, I’d suggest emailing the band, establishing some rapport. It seems there’s always an extra tape laying around. I’m sure you can work out a deal with Pile Of Excrements. They’re very forthcoming gentlemen. They’ll probably just ask that you take a dump on it first.
You heard it here first at Demo:listen. Check this space next and every Friday for promising new metal.