Choosing Death Fest goes down April 16 at Philadelphia’s Union Transfer. To celebrate, we’re asking some of the artists performing to list some very specific “death metal top 5s.” The youngest member of Baltimore thrash/grinders Noisem was born in 1998, so, naturally we wanted their Top 5 Death Metal Songs AFTER 1998. Bassist William Carnes happily obliged:
Impaled “We Belong Dead”
I love Carcass, so at a time when Carcass wasn’t touring and releasing new music, there was Impaled. One time [bassist] Ross [Sewage] told me to Photoshop [drummer] Raul [Varela] as Jabberjaw. It was kinda fucked up in hindsight.
Dystopia “My Meds Aren’t Working”
The intro to this song rules. The lyrics are perfectly melodramatic, especially the last verse. All in all, this is my favorite song from the self-titled Dystopia release, if not my favorite Dystopia song, period.
Stormcrow “Enslaved in Darkness”
Stormcrow were fuckin’ dope. I never listened to anything after the split with Skaven, but I’m sure it was still pretty dope. Maybe more dope. Maybe less dope—who knows?
Carol Ann “Broken Promises”
Carol Ann were a Dystopia rip-off band from the same town as the next band on this list, which is coincidentally a Dystopia rip-off band as well. This track is one of, like, four songs they ever released from a split with Noothgrush, which now features Dino from Dystopia on vocals. It’s 2016 and everything has come full circle—crazy, right?
Sea of Deprivation “So I Abhor”
It was really tricky picking one particular Sea of Deprivation song. I liked them most for this shoddy list I put together in five minutes, but I just put Catharsis in Disharmony on shuffle and boom, got “So I Abhor.” This song is really depressing. R.I.P.