Time to take that pep back out of your step, kids — this morning we’ve got two haunting premieres from Belgium’s dark ambient/industrial music mainstay Neuropa Records…
First up is “Conquest of Glory” off Barcelona-based darkwavers Der Blaue Reiter’s upcoming Le Paradis Funèbre II — L’ Adieu Du Silence, a record “inspired by a tragic vision of a world governed by secret societies, warfare, disease and the last days of mankind.” For more info, friend the band on Facebook.
Next is Roses Never Fade, the doom-laden gothic folk outfit that once counted Integrity’s Dwid Hellion amongst its ranks but is now comprised of Ancient VVisdom’s Nathan Opposition, The Way To Light’s Austin Rathmell and Pale Creation’s Nick Fiction. “Every Heart Will Break” can be found on the band’s sophomore full-length, Devil Dust. (Check out another track, “With Each Passing Wave,” over at Cvlt Nation.)