Decibel and Handshake, Inc. are teaming up to give away TWO (2) copies of Gridlink’s new album Longhena. Why is that so cool? They’re test presses. The kind the label and band get from the pressing plant to spot check for errors and other vinyl-related anomalies. So, test presses, in general, are rare birds. The collective of Decibel and Handshake, Inc. are giving you the chance to win a copy. Pretty sweet, no?
So, what do you, dear Decibel reader, have to do? Oh, sing a bit. No, really.
Actually, it’s Grindcore Karaoke! The TWO (2) best “singers”, as chosen by Decibel, will get a test press of Longhena, courtesy of Handshake, Inc.
Follow these steps and you’re off to grindcore stardom. Well, maybe not in the US. But in Japan? It’s possible…
1. Put this URL into the address bar of your browser:
2. Download a .zip called “Gridlink Longhena (2013) w Karaoke”.
3. Download the lyrics HERE.
4. Film yourself doing your best Gridlink vocal. It’s OK. Your mom gave you permission.
5. Upload it to Youtube. (if you don’t have an account, create one)
6. Email us the Youtube link HERE.
7. Get ready to own a rare piece of history.
DEADLINE: March 7th, 2014.
So, that’s it! Get to it grindcore peoples. There’s only TWO (2) copies available! Imagine the bragging rights.
Who are Gridlink? Oh, right. They are grind luminaries Bryan Fajardo (Noisear, Kill the Client), Teddy Patterson (Burnt by the Sun, Human Remains), Takafumi Matsubara (Discordance Axis, Hayaino Daisuki) and Jon Chang (Discordance Axis, Hayaino Daisuki). Why is Longhena such a sought after record? It rules, one. Two, it’s the last ever Gridlink effort, in full-length (or other) form.
** Gridlink’s Longhena is out now on Handshake, Inc. It’s available HERE if you’re too much of a wuss to enter the contest.