Dark Gods: Seven Billion Slaves — the first volume of VON‘s Dark Gods trilogy — is still a few weeks away from release, but for those wondering what the soundtrack is going to be like down in the sulphur mines, Decibel has an exclusive stream this morning of the seething, sinister track “Hands of Black Death.”
From the press release:
Summon The Darkness…Dark Gods will rise! In the cold path of darkness, among the dread and pain deep within us, it is the will of the dark ones to enslave us. Dark Gods manifest around us, besides us, inside us. Seven Billion Slaves delves deeper into the cold and dark minds of VON. VON’s creator and mastermind VENIEN!!! has tapped into his inner psyche and has willingly summoned many dark tales and ruthless hymns for the world’s seven billion slaves.
*Pre-Order your digital copy of Dark Gods: Seven Billion Slaves right here.
*Check out VON perform live this summer
Doomstar Booking Agency & Von Records Presents
VON | Ritual of The Black Mass European Tour 2013
19-06-13 Schacht1 | Oberhausen, Germany
20-06-13 Baroeg | Rotterdam, Netherlands
21-06-13 DNA | Brussels, Belgium
22-06-13 Dokkum Open Air | Dokkum, Netherlands
23-06-13 The Garage | London, UK
06-07-13 UTBS | Berlin, Germany
*More Dates Coming Soon