If you’ve had enough Municipal Waste to last a lifetime—hey, those landfills keep getting higher and higher, right?—it’s the right time to bring things to Washington, DC. Iron Reagan, the best new band name if there ever was one, was formed by Municipal Waste throat-ripper Tony Foresta and skin-basher Landphil Hall, with ex-Darkest Hour pacemaker Ryan Parrish and thumper Paul Burnette rounding out the rhythm section. Now, if you’re expecting some kind of crossover answer to At The Gates, well, you’ll be sorely disappointed. As detailed HERE by our own Jonathan Horsley nearly a month ago, Iron Reagan is straight-up, no-frills, face-to-floor crossover hardcore, with emphasis on old-school hardcore.
The crew had already premiered one song, “Cycle of Violence,” over at Invisible Oranges, but today is our day. Our day to throw caution, ’80s political strategy, and politicians-as-deities out the fucking moving van window. “The Debt Collector”‘s short, nasty, and amped. It’s like those hardcore songs—infused with an acceptable amount of thrash—from yesteryear before they were in Monster Energy ads or had members working for multi-national corporations. To quote Foresta, “This is one of my favorite tracks on the record. I like it because it features Ryan Parrish’s vocal debut, it’s like a duet for people who are into mescaline.”
Parrish, however, isn’t quite as visual but is just as poignant: “This song is one of the more dynamic and different sounding tracks on the album. For starters, it provides every listener with sinister heaviness, fast thrash/metal riffage, and intricate technicality supplied by Landphil and Dr. Guitar. Plus, I get to sing on this one, so, that’s really different, too! But don’t fear, Tony’s vocals slip in here and there to round this baby out. More importantly, this song’s about being poor, uninsured, and sought after by collections agencies due to America’s inability to supply affordable health care to its citizens. Word of advice—be careful out there, America!”
Tour Dates:
2/18 – Brooklyn, New York @The Acheron
2/19 – New Brunswick, NJ @The Alamo
2/21 – Cleveland, OH @Now That’s Class
2/22 – Westminster, MD @ Wallride House
2/23 – Philly, PA @Kung Fu Neck Tie
2/24 – Boston, MA @The Democracy Center
2/25 – Brooklyn, NY @ St. Vitus
2/26 – Montclaire, NJ @The Meatlocker
2/27 – Baltimore, MD @ Golden West Café
3/02 – Chesapeake, VA @ Rogers Sports Pub
3/08 – Frederick, MD @ Club 611
3/09 – Richmond, VA @ Strange Matter
** Iron Reagan’s new album, Worse than Dead, is out 3/19/2013 on A389/Magic Bullet Records. Pre-order links aren’t available yet, but you can go HERE (A389) and HERE (Magic Bullet) to shop ’til you drop in the name of unbridled capitalism and beef jerky products.