This morning Decibel has the pleasure of bringing you an appetizing little slice of “mile-high deathgrind” courtesy Denver’s own Enemy Reign. Culled from the super-solid, old-school-meets-new-school-and-for-once-they-actually-get-along upcoming full-length pummeller Between Hell and Oblivion, “Bathed in Flames,” guitarist Nick Guenther tells us, “puts everything we love about metal on display.”
“Between the scorching blast beats, classic death metal riffs, true breakdowns, and vivid lyrical imagery, this song gives a good sample of what Between Hell and Oblivion is all about,” he says. “The brutality starts right away in this song, bleeding all ears within listening range. Lasting till the two minute mark will offer a nice reward of a huge breakdown — a la old Dying Fetus — coupled with the dual guitar layering that will make any head bang.”
Between Hell and Oblivion is available for order through Enemy Reign’s official website. Follow the band on Twitter and Facebook.