Following the tumultuous fall and rise of their Brazilian death/thrash outfit, Nervosa have returned with a brand new album and their first-ever Decibel cover appearance. Perpetual Chaos, the latest album from the now international quartet, sees the band performing at their highest level with a renewed determination to spread their message of evil and power to the world. The latest issue of your favorite metal bathroom reader also features a sneak peak into even more of the most anticipated records of 2021, featuring the likes of Megadeth, At the Gates, Eyehategod, Carcass and several more as well as a long overdue induction of King Diamond’s classic tale of familiar horror “Them”. And if that wasn’t bloody good enough for you, slasher death metal veterans Macabre have offered a fresh cut for this month’s entry into the Decibel Flexi Series. Chaos is eternal but this issue certainly isn’t, so pick up your copy today!