For nearly 15 years, the Ukranian black metal duo known as Ritual Suicide plagued the world with a singular strain of vampyric candor. Loud, unbridled, drenched-in-blood raw, yet predatorily methodical with their releases. Even when they ran rampant through the underground, ensanguined and unbound, Ritual Suicide always attacked with intent.
Several years have now passed since the last attack. We now know that Ritual Suicide are no more. But before the band dispersed into a phantom cloud of screaming bats and took off into some Eastern European belfry against the pale face of the full moon, an album was recorded. Called Nocturnal Haematolagnia (look up that last word for some chills), we are pleased for the opportunity to present this early exclusive stream to our readers today. At risk of your immortal soul, enjoy.