We’re well over the halfway point of what will surely go down as the number one entry in our theoretical Top 100 Worst Years For Being Alive Special Collector’s Edition Issue, but such misery only fuels us to work harder, not smarter. While we’re surely going to be doing Labor Day all wrong by, uh, working, that doesn’t mean there’s no reason for you to celebrate. Between now o’clock and Monday, September 7 at 11:59 p.m. EDT all of our monthly back issues are 50% — that’s $3, math wiz! From our earliest coverage of new bands with embarrassing haircuts that have become household names to the latest in extremely extreme, all prices have been chopped in half. Don’t wait because come time for you to return to your shitty job on Tuesday, this offer will be history.
NOTE: This sale only applies to monthly issues. Special Collector’s Edition issues are not part of this limited time promotion.