Cadaver to Release “Circle of Morbidity” via Decibel Flexi Series!

Norway may be most commonly associated with metal as black as our hearts, but recently revived death dealers Cadaver are back to change everything you thought you knew. Original member Anders Odden, Megadeth/ex-Soilworkdrummer Dirk Verbeuren and guest vocalist/Possessed main man Jeff Becerra have crafted the band’s first song in 15 years, showing no sign of compromise in their extended hiatus. Forever your home for all things death metal, the only place you can score an exclusive pressing of this track is right here as part of the Decibel Flexi Series. Sign up or renew a deluxe Decibel subscription by Monday, June 3rd at noon EST and you’ll soon find yourself the proud owner of this essential slab of wax. Don’t be left out of the loop, subscribe today!