Champ Morgan’s dedication to disseminating intense and riot-provoking grindcore is rivaled only by his intelligence and prescience as a lyricist. With several new releases from several different projects coming out, not to mention an impending split LP, we thought it wise to catch up with Morgan to find out, from the man himself, what’s got him screaming his head off these days.

First of all, what happened to your neck? Everything cool?
I had a double discectomy surgery because of severe narrowing of the vertebrae. I guess decades of wrestling, jiu jitsu, and all kinds of fighting takes it toll. I also got rear ended driving to work last year which really was the final straw. I’m feeling better now and recovering.
So is Kill The Client fucking dead?
Unfortunately, it is. It was a solid run that lasted almost 14 years. But, I am part of a new grind project with Shane and Walter from VBT and Robert from Goatwhore. I’m actually going in to record vocals next week. The grind will never die.
Hold up. What’s this new grind band band called?
Rituals of Humiliation. It’s got a good old school grind feel to it. There’s a few nods to death metal in there too. Most of record was done musically when Shane (VBT) messaged me. So, I started digging up lyrics and writing new ones. I’m going to be recording the vocals in a week or so. It really kicked my grind brain back started because writing for BLK OPS is a different mindset. But, RoH is going to kick people in the teeth real soon. Get ready!
Kill the Client’s last full length record, from 2010, was called Set for Extinction. How hard did you call that one?
We’ve been in the end times for a while now. Sadly, we seem to be sprinting towards it these days.
What’s up with BLK OPS? I mean, it’s you and people from Pornohelmut and The Dead See. It’s got the intensity of Kill the Client, but it’s more like Break the Client Psychologically then Narrate Their Suicide. It’s infiltrates the senses before assaulting them totally. Which is cool. It exploits my paranoia and social fears in cool ways. But what’s up with it? How close does it resemble what you originally set out to do?
When we started the only thing said was there was no rules and whatever direction it took we would max it out. I was just getting into noise and was experimenting with my theremin. Mark and Neil have been playing together for decades in multiple bands. After the first practice or two Neil suggested that he bring his Pornohelmut set up into fold. Pornohelmut is a one man triggered drum machine insanity project. When we got everything rolling together musically we knew what we have is unique and powerful. Just a guitar player, drummer, and my noise rig and vocals. No bass player. Just the three of us going all out. Then we added the visuals… that’s when we really started fuckin’ with peoples minds.
Describe your opinion of the Trump regime in one grindcore album title.
Cleptocracy. Kill the Client laid out that prophecy of misfortunes to come awhile back. HA!
Your first physical release from BLK OPS is a split tape with Houston’s, KRVSHR. Did this split arrive out of a mutual respect for each other’s sounds?
Pretty much. We’ve known those guys from other Houston bands for years and liked what they were doing as a group. You can’t deny big riffs and angry screaming.
What’s the song “METHLEHEM” all about?
Well, I’m pretty sure it’s about meth… It’s about these shitty tweekers that get on that shit and get a “god like” feeling from being high. That garbage is all over here in Texas.
The BLK OPS songs are laced with all these transgressive noises, like subtle psychological warfare. What got you started in doing that to your audience?
We want to overload the audience goer. The visuals really bring that to the next level. The amount of volume we push, bright lights, crazy images, and a wash of harsh noise throughout is the full experience. A full engagement of pushed boundaries.
Is live the best way to experience BLK OPS then?
We’re all about overloading the brain. We run full visuals that are triggered by the drums. It’s not just a video playing. It’s part of the song itself. Then there’s the blast of pure volume. We use a almost laughable amount of full stacks in a live setting. But, again, it goes back to the sensory overload that we’re trying to achieve every time we play. It’s psychological warfare. It’s metal. We are pushing boundaries and trying to make it a next level experience.
Which came first, BLK OPS or your dark noise solo work, Derelict Satellite?
BLK OPS was first. I was just starting to build my noise rig when we started. Once I figured what the hell I was doing and how to make it sound right that’s when I started working on doing solo stuff as Derelict Satellite.
Which movie scene would be better with a grind song playing, and which song?
Air Cavalry attack screen in Apocalypse Now with Rotten Sound’s “Targets.”
BLK OPS has an upcoming split LP and an ensuing tour with Cave Bastard. What can we expect from the rest of the songs on the split?
More of dissonant ugly riffs, blasting drums, and noise attacking your brain from every direction. More audible psychological warfare.
What exactly is an hallucinogenic bomb vest?
It’s an idea I had after watching a documentary on MK Ultra and government LSD experiments. My thought was replacing shrapnel with DMT or LSD. So, you’re resetting minds instead of killing people. I believe the populous of the earth needs a solid reset. The current state of affairs globally and here in America is fucked.
What can you tell us about the impending BLK OPS full length?
We’re still looking for a label to put it out. But, it’s a solid 18 months of hard work and vision coming together in a 50 minute bomb. It’s our first step in the war we’re waging against your mind.
Catch BLK OPS on tour late August with Cave Bastard (dates below). Get their split August 25th from Accident Prone.
8/24/2017 Flycatcher – Tucson, AZ *
8/25/2017 Rockhouse Bar & Grill – El Paso, TX *
8/26/2017 Faust Tavern – San Antonio, TX #
8/27/2017 The Lost Well – Austin, TX #
8/28/2017 Reno’s Chop Shop – Dallas, TX #
8/29/2017 Backstage – Lubbock, TX #
8/30/2017 Sunshine Theater – Albuquerque, NM *
8/31/2017 Masters Chambers – Phoenix, AZ *
9/01/2017 Omniscient Fest Vol. II – Moreno Valley, CA *