Every so often, we take a little time on Mondays to pay tribute to the Muthas! That is, reprinting the adorable metal/maternal Q&As that run in the magazine. Today, enjoy Justin Norton’s chat with Amanda Schall, mother of Elizabeth Schall (Dreaming Dead/Cretin) in August 2013 (issue #106).
Can you tell us more about yourself?
My name is Amanda Renee Schall and I’m 60. I’ve been married to my husband Federico for 36 years and we live in Redding California. I’m a hairstylist, and I own a shop in Anderson, California. I love to exercise with music, so I go to Zumba three times a week. I also love music and dancing.
When Elizabeth was young your family relocated to Chile after living in the United States. Do you think this was tough for her?
Relocating to Chile was tough not just for Elizabeth, but for all of us. Adapting to a new environment took some time, but the kids learned a lot by becoming bilingual. They also learned to appreciate what we left behind in the United States.
Elizabeth told us a while back that she sold sandwiches at school to pay for a guitar (see issue 94). Did you know about this? Did you support her learning to play?
I learned about the sandwiches a little while ago. It took me by surprise, and I never knew she was so serious about it. Accordion lessons were where it all started. Elizabeth started playing guitar later as a consequence of so much “drilling music” in her head. She always tells me: “Mom, if it wasn’t for the accordion lessons maybe I wouldn’t be playing guitar today.” I believe she still has her accordion and to answer your question YES, I did support her. I didn’t like her playing until 3 a.m., though, because I had to go to work the next day.
When Elizabeth started to develop and grow as a player what did you think of her abilities?
I wasn’t surprised at all because my girl is gifted and very intelligent. She is capable of achieving anything she wants, and I am very proud of what she has achieved so far. She’ll go as far as she wants to go in life.
Elizabeth has become a role model for many young women who want to play guitar and play extreme music.
It takes years of dedication and lot of hard work to master an instrument. If any young girl could ever achieve what Elizabeth has already achieved I would be very proud.
Do you display her Dreaming Dead records in the house?
I have several of her CDs around the house and they are priceless.