From February 1 until February 12, we’ll be announcing regional openers for select dates of the 2016 Decibel Magazine Tour every day at noon EST. Get your tickets here!
We’re still waiting on this veteran blackened thrash trio to follow up 2011’s Abzu, which placed in that year’s Decibel Top 40, but in the interim, a most unholy ceremony awaits. “While the cult of Absu was aligning tactics for our forthcoming Merelogical Nihilism Connexus Tour, the announcement of this juggernaut Decibel package gloriously filled the airwaves,” enthuses guitarist Vis Crom. “Our initiation into this particular event was scryed, as we had a confirmed—yet hidden—tour date of our own conspired only miles away. The pentacle is now complete, and Charlotte hosts the foremost rite.”