Your friends at Decibel have long revered Nunslaughter, not just for their dedication to underground metal but for their sheer persistence: they’ve literally released countless splits and EPs in the past three or so decades (you can learn more about this in our Deciblog interview earlier this year with Don Of The Dead). So we were saddened to hear that drummer Jim Sadist (Konya) suffered a stroke this month and has been hospitalized. Here’s some background from a Gofundme account set up to help.
“Recently, the MAYOR OF PARMA and Cleveland metal legend JIM KONYA (Nunslaughter, Schnauzer, + many more) suffered a stroke. At one time or another Jim has likely given us all a CD, record, sticker, shirt… something. Now it’s time for us to give back! Let’s help Jim get back on his feet and behind a drumset. 100% of funds raised will help Jim pay for medical expenses that insurance may not cover, and other bills incurred during his recovery.”
The crowdfunding effort to help with his medical bills has surpassed its initial goals but any bill involving cardiovascular care has multiple 0s at the end. So, let’s make sure Jim — who has contributed so much to metal — can get his ticker fully operational and back in the studio. Follow this link to help out someone worthy of the assist.
Get well soon, Jim.