For a band that doesn’t interview (with anyone!), Ukraine’s Drudkh have a lot to say. Well, musically that is. Over the course of the group’s arboreal career, the Ukrainians have inspired and informed with their atmospheric and reflective black. So, it’s with great honor that we are able to work with Drudkh (and their label, Season of Mist) to bring you brand new track, “Cursed Sons II” from new album, A Furrow Cut Short.
Ready for howling dark winds and the desolation of the night sky? Yes, we are too. Let’s all fall for Drudkh’s pastoral black.
** Drudkh’s new album, A Furrow Cut Short, is out May 19th on Season of Mist Records. Pre-orders are available HERE for arboreal metal fans the world over.