Streaming: Nepente’s “Show Me That You Are Suffering”

Show me that you are suffering? Game on. People are still talking about The Academy Awards. Purina faces a lawsuit alleging their pet food is filled with toxic ingredients. Your album cover is sort of creepy. And it’s Wednesday.
Streaming today: “Show Me That You Are Suffering” from the Colombian black/death metal band Nepente. The song is on their upcoming record I Will Get Your Soul, due March 31 from Cimmerian Shade. The band started way back in 2002 and has toured extensively in their home country. They’ve released several records on domestic and digital-only labels; this is their first with Cimmerian.

I Will Get Your Soul was recorded at Manizales Studio (Manizales Colombia), and mixed/mastered at Hertz Recording Studio (Bialystock, Poland) by Slawomir Wieslawski and Wojciech Wieslawski.

Get down with the suffering below and learn more about Nepente.