Your Daily Dose of Confusion: Activator’s “Sexy for Breakfast”

Some time ago, I introduced you to a new face on the NYC crossover scene, Activator (refresher course, here). At the time, they were on the eve of the release of their self-titled debut album. Since then, they have been relatively quiet, especially considering bands these days post every aspect of their musical and non-musical lives all over the interhole. That relative semi-silence has been broken with the recent completion of the band’s first promo video, “Sexy for Breakfast.” Featuring a brief cameo by Quicksand’s Sergio Vega and a storyline about vocalist Shannon Moore having his girl two-time him while he screams his balls off and supports local sports teams in hat-style, the video takes a rather confusing turn towards the end. Did he fail at his crime of passion? Was this all an elaborate role play scenario climaxing in an auto-erotic asphyxiation, erm, climax? Is Vega’s coming over later to teach the couple to play “Fazer” on that baby grand? Watch and draw your own conclusions.

Activator on:

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