We love Nader Sadek up in the Decibel compound – and by compound I mean the various living rooms, man caves and bathrooms where all this shit gets put together on a monthly basis. If you’re a subscriber, you are getting/have gotten the new 4-song EP, The Malefic (including current band members Flo Mounier on drums, Rune Eriksen and Bobby Koelble on guitars, and Travis Ryan on vox), with the most recent issue of the magazine. Barring that, anyone checking out the mag and the blog over the past couple years has seen some great reviews and premieres of the project’s material to date.
The Malefic‘s savage opening track, “Deformation by Incision,” was captured in the studio both sonically and visually, and now you can see the video of the band laying down their vicious parts. Check out the video below, and make sure to score a copy of the whole EP for superior bangability.
For more Nader Sadek info, check out the official site here.