Well folks, it is the holiday season; what with the temperatures falling and nights closing in, and even the walls closing in, too, it’s officially the most miserable time of the year. Respite is in short supply. Hard liquor and pharmaceuticals can only do so much. But, step away from the shotgun, there’s a hefty new LP from Indian dropping on January 21st that is sure to complement winter’s claustrophobic misery to a goddamn tee, and the Windy City’s most nihilistic practitioners of pro-depressant doom have kindly previewed the track “Rhetoric of No” on the Relapse Records YouTube page.
From All Purity is Indian’s fifth full-length, and is produced by Sanford Parker, who recorded and mixed Indian’s feral debut, The Unquiet Sky. It sounds fucking awesome, and anyone who has an appreciation for Indian’s sound – a molasses-thick stew of über-hench doom riffs and black metal’s degenerate heart – is going to find a lot to enjoy here. Sure, doom can take many forms: Trippy, psychedelic, ’70s rock and beefed-up Sabbath; slow-motion riffs from way down in the bass player’s register; or even abstract long-form jams bordering on drone. But it feels like Indian’s take on the genre is coming from some place else entirely; there’s a hardbitten sense of real-world doom that makes them all the more harrowing. And all the more welcome when tramping through the sub-zero sludge on your morning commute. Enjoy.
**Pre-order From All Purity here
**Order The Unquiet Sky double vinyl reissue here
**Poke Indian on Facebook