There are all kinds of new products popping out of the woodwork in the Decibel Universe right now. You may have heard of this limited-edition 100th Issue Show: The Movie DVD that’s just arrived at dB HQ. Then there’s the Top 100 Black Metal Albums of All Time special issue that’ll be the perfect holiday gift for those hard-to-buy-for, extra-kvlt friends and family on your holiday shopping list. And you’re no doubt on pins and needles waiting to see what we Decibel hacks chose as the Album of the Year in the upcoming January issue. (SPOILER ALERT! . . . Just kidding. We have no idea either, but it’s never the album that topped our own list.)
There is, however, one very special new release that we’re particularly partial to: The Brewtal Truth Guide to Extreme Beers: An All-Excess Pass to Brewing’s Outer Limits. This is like the craft beer version of Commandant Mudrian’s Choosing Death, as it focuses on the extreme edges of the craft beer world. These are brews that, were they around back in the day, would have left the Heavy Metal Parking Lot crew laid out flat.
Best of all, this is 224 pages of brand new Brewtal Truth material. Nothing in the book previously appeared in any of our columns in the magazine. It’s the same idea—metal and beer come together as one (to paraphrase former Exodus vocalist Paul Baloff)—but it’s all about the extreme stuff. On the beer side, there are more than 100 extreme beer profiles from around the world. There are also interviews with key people from some of the most extreme breweries out there: Stone, Avery, Three Floyds, Dogfish Head, Surly, BrewDog, Lost Abbey and Mikkeller.
The extreme music element is in there, too, of course. Every beer profiled features an extreme music pairing and there are exclusive interviews with the craft beer-crazy members of Pig Destroyer, Municipal Waste, Clutch, Charred Walls of the Damned, Brutal Truth and Mastodon.
We’ve done our best over the last four-plus years to bring our beer knowledge to the extremely extreme set via our column in Decibel, and the Brewtal Truth Guide to Extreme Beers continues that mission by delving into the insane world of high-alcohol, mega-hopped, barrel-aged and metal-inspired brews.