The Negator monikor sounds like a Decepticon from Transformers, but musically the Hamburg-based black metal quintet are as vicious as they are obscure. Go on, tell us you’re a fan. Anyway, across three well-received traditional full-lengths, Negator has earned a small yet ardent following. Led by frontman Nachtgarm—who also served time in Dark Funeral following the departure of Emperor Magus Caligula in 2010—it looks like 2013 may be the year of German black metal. On a license from Viva Hate—the same label responsible for rad wooden box sets by Enslaved, Agalloch, Pelican, etc.—to U.S. based Prosthetic, Negator’s crossing the Atlantic in saturnine style, with the release of new album, Gates To The Pantheon coming this May.
To underscore Negator’s new album, we’ve obtained a sweet German-language studio report through ritualistic sacrifice to gods under the mantle. If you don’t understand the native tongue of Negator, well, just click the “CC” button on the Youtube player to enable English subtitles. What you’ll glean from reading the subtitles and hearing snippets of Gates To The Pantheon blast through your tiny laptop speakers is Negator’s imminent domination of extremely extreme things. That it was recorded and produced by Gamma Ray guru Eike Freese at Hammer Studios should be a sign Negator aren’t too concerned with “trooisms” and atavistic expectations.

** Negator’s new album, Gates To The Pantheon, is out May 15th on Prosthetic Records.