For the record, the “Exclusive” up in the title of this blog post actually means something. What it means is that this post is the only place where you can hear new music from the upcoming Dragged Into Sunlight album Widowmaker (and see the amazing artwork) until it is released by Prosthetic Records on MP3 and CD November 6 and vinyl a week later.
The video embedded below features almost four minutes of music samples from the album along with all of the album artwork. After a spin thru it, you’ll see precisely why we teamed up with Prosthetic for this exclusive. The band describes the new album as, “everything heavier and everything louder than everything else,” and we tend to agree. The only reason we’re not bringing you a full song from this balaclava-wearing UK extreme metal quartet is mostly due to the fact that Widowmaker only contains three epic tracks of window-rattling hostility. And have you seen the cover art?
The new album, their sophomore follow-up to the fun-loving Hatred For Mankind, was produced by Tom Dring and recorded over the course of three years. The result is, as the band describes it, “complete misery, depression, and isolation” akin to “snapping the bones of the weak and crushing their sunken skulls.” But why believe the band, when you can get a putrid taste for yourself right here.
Too bad you can’t get it until Nov 6, right? Well, you can be assured this bad boy will find its way to you when it is released, if you pre-order it here.