By now you probably know that Decibel came into blood-splattered existence in October of 2004, but you may not know that Editor-in-Chief Albert Mudrian and Publisher Alex Mulcahy began collaborating on regional indie record shop in-store magazine Stereo-Type well beforehand. In light of today’s shitty announcement that Hydra Head Records will be closing shop, we dug up a HH label profile that Albert penned for the magazine way back in April of ’99.
If your morbid interest has yet to be satisfied, additional highlights from the April ’99 Stereo-Type include a Fear Factory cover story (by Albert), a Neutral Milk Hotel feature (by Alex), and a news item about a Projekt Records sampler to benefit feline leukemia called (wait for it) “A Cat-Shaped Hole in My Heart.”
Anyway, check out that label profile