Ukraine has had a tough go of it of late. The glow of the 2004 Orange Revolution has dimmed significantly, one of the nation’s most celebrated playwrights, The Pagans author Anna Yablonskaya, was killed in yesterday’s Moscow airport suicide bombing, and amidst these woes the international press seems predominantly interested in a human chain of topless women. Thus perhaps it should come as no surprise that Kharkov, Ukraine’s atmospheric pagan black metallers Khors have simultaneously upped the primeval thrash-and-brood ante considerably on the glorious-by-way-of-grandiose Return to Abandoned.
Khors was kind enough to offer Decibel readers an exclusive glimpse of its newly refined, alluringly dark aesthetic via the below stream of “Asgard’s Shining,” a song which presumably references Valhalla, warrior gods, and otherworldly treasure–as only befits a band that posts awesome updates such as “Happy Vodokres!!! Hail be the Gods. Hail be the Rod!” on Twitter. Enjoy!
[audio:|titles=03 Asgard’s Shining]